Saturday, November 19, 2011

Can i use non zippo lighter fluid in my zippo lighter?

I live in a small town away from any stores that retail zippo lighter fluid but there is a dollar store that sells non zippo brand lighter fluid in 4.5 oz cans... Should i go out of my way and drive to town (1h 45mins) to get zippo premium lighter fluid or just buy the non zippo stuff?|||You can use non zippo fluid in your zippo lighter but I so not recommend it. There will be a noticeable difference in efficiency of your lighter. If you look around you may be surprised where you can find the fluid. Try Walmart, or a local gas station.|||If you're smoking cigars I recommend something like Cognac. I usually mix it with something like everclear to get the spark to light it better. I keep it in a small 2oz bottle.

The flame is a lot more blue, looks really cool, It really makes cigars taste so much better. No matches again!!

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|||Ya, I use Ronsonal lighter fluid for my Zippo, and it works very well.

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|||it's all basically the same -- use it|||Any lighter fluid is fine|||use the other.... it will be fine.|||I live in Dallas, TX which is a large town and most stores have stopped selling Zippo fluid. I've used "Robinson" in my Zippo lighter but the wick fouls quicker than it did using Zippo. I believe some of the other brands have some mineral oil in them to "stabilize" the lighter fluid where as Zippo is pure naphtha.|||The only reason why they tell you to use ONLY Zippo lighter fluid is to sell their product. Sure it might burn a little cleaner, but does that really matter? Its not like you'll damage anything by using a non zippo lighter fluid.|||my father has several zippo lighters and has always used robson and generic brands and says i just asked him the generic is fine|||Yes, you can use any of the lighter fluids that are for sale.|||i dont think non zippo fluid works, because zippo fluid is kirosen, the same used for planes.

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