Wednesday, November 30, 2011


1.What will fill a zippo thats not Lighter fluid as in Perfume or something

2.Can someone under 15 carry a zippo

3.How do i clean the glue off a zippo when you take off the safety sticker

4.What gas station carrys zippos as in 711/hess

5.How do i polish chrome zippos

6.What is your coolest looking zippo

7.Is there any REAL gold zippos|||1.What will fill a zippo thats not Lighter fluid as in Perfume or something

anything relatively flammable, but it is recommended to use lighter fluid because it is meant as a cigarette lighter.

2.Can someone under 15 carry a zippo?

no, the age is 18

3.How do i clean the glue off a zippo when you take off the safety sticker?

i don't remember it having glue, but nail polish remover would work.

5.How do i polish chrome zippos


6.What is your coolest looking zippo?

all of them

7.Is there any REAL gold zippos

yes|||Warning: Zippo obsession.

Depending on the jurisdiction where you live, there may be laws that prohibit possession of lighters or lighter fuel to discourage tobacco abuse and other mischief by minors.|||naphtha

depends on your location

use lighter fluid


chrome polish

don't have one

plated, not solid gold

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