Friday, December 2, 2011

I filled my Zippo lighter with regular gasoline and it horribly smells now... Any idea how to clean it?

I just couldn't manage to get the proper filling for Zippo, so I filled it instead with regular gasoline you put into cars. It works somehow, but it smells really horribly after gasoline and I want to get rid of that stink. I tried to clean and refill it with the original Zippo filling, but the obtrusive gasoline stink is still there and if you put the lighter into pocket, it gets really smelly too... So any idea how to clean it from the regular gasoline and remove that stink of it?|||Some of the older lighters are filled with a tight cotton batting so it will hold the fuel. If your is one, haul out the old and replace with the same stuff. pack it tight. Be very careful you are after all playing with fire!!|||you probably have ruined it for life. Don't pull the batting out; it is connected to the wick and will never work again. You might try as a last resort soaking it in a cup of water that has a teaspoon of dish washing liquid in it. (Remove flints). Soak it for several hours with fill side up. gas floats. . squeeze out as much as possible Then repeat several times with clean water. let dry completely. Fill with proper fluid. Don't do any thing stupid any more! :)|||Throw the lighter away, but first take a picture of it to keep in your wallet.

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